Sunday, April 24, 2011

Positive cartoons that could encourage racial tolerance

On my last blog I have stated how cartoons  can have a negative influence on the children to believe in all the stereotypes towards other ethnic groups. But that doesn't mean that all cartoons shows are are narrow minded towards other ethnic groups. Some cartoons can be very positive to racial tolerance and teach the children color or being different in general doesn't matter because were all human and deserve the same rights.

Take the old school classic cartoon  Doug for example which came out  in 1991. On that show they did not have any specific ethnic groups or color at all. The show had all different types of people getting along with each other rather they were white, green, purple, orange, etc. There was no racial discrimination on the show at all which made it nice to know that anyone can get along. Another cartoon show with positive influence is Dora The Explora. She is Hispanic little girl that speaks Spanish and teaches children how to speak her language in simple ways, and is very educational with positive vibes. Even SpongeBob could be considered racial tolerance were you see a bunch of different fishes and sea creatures getting along with each other, like a a shark chilling with a fish. The point is there are  good and bad in racial tolerances in cartoons. If children focused more on the positive cartoons on racial tolerance and watch less of Family Guy they wont have such a negative impact on other cultures from watching cartoons.

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